Hello, friendly merchant 👋

Grace here, Tako CEO. If you've been to the Tako Stand before, you may have picked up on our expert knowledge of--and fangirl attitude toward--subscriptions through ReCharge. Aside from our Shopify development savvy and our killer design team, it's kind of our thing.

Membership programs are the final frontier in the world of recurring billing, and no one knows more about them than we do. Maybe you saw our primer on the subject a few weeks ago? (If not, check out Adding a Membership Component to Your Shopify Store.)

It's a bit high level for such a detailed concept, so I couldn't resist when ReCharge invited me to take a deeper dive into the pricing/billing side of things, with a guest post on their blog this week. Here's a just a hint of what we talked about...

If you haven’t already heard the good word, memberships are a phenomenal way to bring a recurring billing component to your revenue model, even if you think subscriptions are not for you.

Hey, I get it -- some business models aren’t able to capitalize on a subscription component without making major changes to their infrastructure, inventory, resources, etc. But memberships -- ahh, virtually everyone (B2B or B2C) can support those.

Memberships are easy to implement and get started with because there are several “entry level” structures that you can build on down the line. They’re also easily understood on the customer side because it’s such a standard concept. (Read: little to no consumer education required. Yay! We love that.)

There are lots of things to consider when you’re thinking about adding a membership program to your eCommerce business -- too many to cover in one blog post, although I do dive into quite a few on an upcoming episode of the Hit Subscribe podcast. What we’re discussing today, though, is pricing -- and with it, value, since the two are inextricably linked.

Let’s jump in!

For a deep dive on establishing value, pricing, and billing frequency within a new membership program, check out The Ins and Outs of Membership Pricing.


(In the mood for more? Check out our collaboration with ReCharge earlier this year, on the series of Powerful and Profitable Playbooks.)

Topics: Guest Posts, Business, Shopify, Subscription